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High Point Church
Branding Expansion

This branding project consisted of a "tightening up" of the previous style guide and communications manual. These changes were made to create consistency within High Point Church materials, and to make them more accessible to those who are visiting for the first time. (e.g. no abbreviated books of the bible on any external documents to make them easier to reference.)

The "Who We Are" brochure let new guests know all about the mission and vision of High Point Church: the ministry model, core values, and strategic pursuits, along with the Great Commission on the back of the handout.

Brand Design Guide and Communications Manual

As stated in the introduction to this page, this branding project consisted of a "tightening up" of the previous style guide and communications manual. This new manual includes new branding standards, color palette, fonts, and ministry specific sub-branding guidelines. The Communications manual is an expansion of the previous guide including rules from the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Handbook of Style. These were added to create consistency and make High Point Church materials more accessible to those who are visiting for the first time. (e.g. no abbreviated books of the bible on any external documents to make them easier to reference.)

View the full brand guide by clicking the button below:

Who We Are Brochure

The "Who We Are" brochure let new guests know all about the mission and vision of High Point Church: the ministry model, core values, and strategic pursuits, along with the Great Commission on the back of the handout.

The icons for the Ministry Model of "Connect. Grow. Serve." (also seen along the bottom of the front of the brochure) are also consistent on signage around the building.

Get a more comprehensive look at this brochure by clicking the button below:

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